Welcome To My Professional Services Page. This is what I do when I’m not leading workshops or coaching.

Below is my new jam, setting folks up with AI driven marketing solutions. Below that are the legacy services I have been offering clients for the last two decades since graduating from UCLA Film School.

Special Event!


(for example: we will be using it to share BEing Healing with the world!)

I think there is a natural resistance to using AI in the personal development community. In a way, it seems antithetical to the level of personalization required when a coach or teacher does his best work. And, this is true.

However, what AI can do, better than anything else right now, is to drive traffic to your work exponentially more effectively than ever before, getting real damn close to speaking with your own voice in creating and launching strategic content with an astonishing degree of automation.

And, when folks arrive, there you are, no AI, all Love and personalized service and attention.

Enjoy this hour long workshop and I will share you how this works, as the result of my recent deep dive, learning from the best of the best.

  • Grow or create your brand through video, audio, & strategic content creation.

  • Sell your online services and products through online and social media marketing using AI driven solutions.

  • Create online courses, websites, landing pages, and build & manage outreach, delivery & sales platforms.

  • Enroll and produce powerful live and virtual trainings and workshops.

WE ARE…Extraordinary.

My clients are the greatest in the world, and the services and tranformation we co-create together supports an exponential shift in consciousness, health and healing throughout the world.

A glimpse into my hybrid events at the CFJ Coaching Success School.

Does This Sound Familiar?

  • Virtual events where the video and audio are inconsistent or poor quality, the screen shares show a desktop, a presentation displays the menu bar, and the recordings are inferior quality.

  • Website videos, emails and social media posts are either Zoom recordings or poor quality self-filmed videos, and do not receive the engagement they deserve.

  • Live events are plagued by audio and technical problems. Email campaigns don’t connect correctly with shopping carts or enrollment platforms.

  • Enrollment for your workshops and online courses are not what they need to be. Clients and sales are inconsistent or not meeting expectations.

  • You are spending too much time trying to figure out and learn tech, instead of being clear on how hiring someone to do this can actually save you money and improve your product.

You Need A Cohort.

Hint: It’s This Guy Here!

(and his team)

Shannon Lloyd at the Carolyn Freyer-Jones Coaching Success School

Carolyn Freyer-Jones Coaching Success School

Devon Bandison’s Gamechanger LA

Shannon Lloyd has over 20 years of full-time experience as a media professional, producing thousands of online videos creating millions of hits in traffic (yes, really!). In addition to his mastery in video and audio production, his specialty is running virtual, live, and especially hybrid workshops and events, as well as creating online education and marketing assets from curated content.

As an entrepreneur and coach, Shannon understands his clients, and also is highly trained at creating successful marketing and client acquisition platforms for this specialized field.

Here are some of the clients and projects Shannon has served and created:

 Kirk Souder

Alisha Das & Michael Hayes

David Couper Consulting

Miranda Alcott

Stephen McGhee

Carolyn Freyer-Jones

Licia Rester & Mark Samuels

Devon Bandison

Donna Bond

Linda Humphreys

Inely Cesna & Mike Murphy

Lane Carlson

Claudia Flores

The Bodhi Tree


Let me run your virtual event, promote and enroll your workshop, and produce your live events!

We will run your event in Los Angeles or anywhere in the world!

Editing, virtual event mastery, landing pages, marketing funnels & tech support, oh my!

Ready to get started?

I am now selling hourly packages, so you can purchase my services, and track the results easily with my One Field Accountability & Results System.